The Inexcusable Error, Cause of Dismissal of Judges


  • José Suing Instituto de Estudios de Derecho administrativo (Ecuador)



Judicial Function, Board of the Judicature, Judges, Judicial independence


The “inexcusable error” is a conduct classified as a very serious offense in the Organic Code of the Judicial Function of Ecuador. The figure, about which the legal norm that contemplates it says nothing more (article 109.7 of the COFJ), was used indiscriminately by the Judicial Council. The doctrine, comparative law and jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, IACHR, have established what should be understood by inexcusable error: a gross ignorance, an arbitrary application of the law that produces an irreparable effect. This definition was not enough for the Judiciary Council to stop applying it in the dismissal of judges and prosecutors who, in the end, were uncomfortable or did not respond to the interests of the government, so that autonomy and independence of the judge were flagrantly violated.

Author Biography

José Suing, Instituto de Estudios de Derecho administrativo (Ecuador)

Abogado de los Tribunales de la República y Doctor en Jurisprudencia, Especialista en Legislación Tributaria, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Subsede Quito, Magíster en Economía con mención en Descentralización y Desarrollo Local, Universidad de las Américas, Quito, Diplomado en Derecho Administrativo, Universidad de Salamanca, Candidato doctoral en Derecho, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar. Profesor a tiempo completo de la Escuela de Derecho, Udla-Ecuador. Presidente del Instituto de Estudios de Derecho administrativo y social IDEAS.


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Código Orgánico de la función Judicial, Ecuador

Constitución del Ecuador, 2008


Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (“Corte Primera de lo Contencioso Administrativo”). Caso Apitz Barbera y Otros vs. Venezuela, Sentencia de 5 de agosto de 2008.

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How to Cite

Suing, J. (2023). The Inexcusable Error, Cause of Dismissal of Judges . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (9), 26–35.


