Taxes, the Solve et Repete Rule and the Tax Guarantee in Trials

A Critique of a Sentence of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court


  • Mauricio Maldonado Muñoz



Tax guarantee in trials, solve et repete, right to equality, access to justice, effective judicial protection


The present paper deals with two related institutions: the solve et repete rule and the tax guarantee in trials. First, an analysis of taxes in general and their importance is attempted. Secondly, some of the justifications offered by the defenders of the solve et repete rule and the tax guarantee in trials are analyzed. After that, a ruling of the Italian Constitutional Court on the solve et repete rule is examined in order to make a comparison with a ruling of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court on the aforementioned tax guarantee in trials. Issues such as the right to equality, access to justice and effective judicial protection are also involved. 

Author Biography

Mauricio Maldonado Muñoz

Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador de Quito. Magíster en Derecho, LL.M., Universidad Austral de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ph.D. student: Doctorando en Filosofía del Derecho y Bioética Jurídica, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italia.


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Corte Costituzionale, 21/1961.

Corte Constitucional ecuatoriana, 022-10-SCN-CC.

Corte IDH, Opinión Consultiva OC-18/03, 17 septiembre 2003.



How to Cite

Maldonado Muñoz, M. (2023). Taxes, the Solve et Repete Rule and the Tax Guarantee in Trials: A Critique of a Sentence of the Ecuadorian Constitutional Court. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (2), 92–114.


