Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Prevention of Occupational Hazards

A Comparative Analysis between the Norms of the European community and Spain, and those Existing in Ecuador


  • Elisa Sierra Hernáiz Universidad Pública de Navarra (España)



The need for specific measures for the pregnant or breastfeeding worker situation is one of the most important issues of the occupational risk prevention laws both for its sui generis nature and its relation to gender equality policies. The article addresses certain aspects of occupational hazards and maternity issues in European Communitarian Law, as adopted by the Spanish legislation. It then aims to compare those norms with the ones existing in Ecuador regarding labor law.

Author Biography

Elisa Sierra Hernáiz, Universidad Pública de Navarra (España)

Doctor in Law and Professor of Labor and Social Security Law at the Public University of Navarra. Her main lines of research have focused on equal opportunities between male and female workers; the protection of safety and health at work; responsibility for the prevention of occupational risks; codes of good conduct; Labor Law and the economic crisis, and the adaptation of the workplace to especially sensitive workers. Associate researcher at the Simón Bolívar Andean University, Quito headquarters,
during the months of July and August 2015.


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How to Cite

Sierra Hernáiz, E. (2023). Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Prevention of Occupational Hazards: A Comparative Analysis between the Norms of the European community and Spain, and those Existing in Ecuador. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (4), 32–42.


