Same –Sex Marriage in Ecuador
Arguments Surrounding its Recognition
Conventionality control, Interpretation, Antinomies, Pro persona, Equality, FreedomAbstract
It could be argued that there is a normative conflict between art. 67 of the Constitution of Ecuador and the Advisory Opinion 24/17 of the IACtHR. In that sense, it will be necessary to identify technical arguments that would allow the solution of said antinomy. For this purpose, this article analyzes different issues, both from a Constitutional Law and from theory of interpretation perspectives: such as the most favorable interpretation of the effective validity of rights; the legal value of the Advisory Opinions in light of the conventionality control; and, the need for a constitutional reform for the solution of the antinomy. This paper concludes that there are sufficient arguments to prefer the interpretation given by the IACtHR in its Advisory Opinion, without the need for a constitutional reform.
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