Call for papers - Cálamo 23


Cálamo, revista de estudios jurídicos, invites submissions for its twenty-second edition, to be published in January 2025. Articles, reviews, and interviews will be accepted until Monday, January 6, 2025.

Central Theme (Dossier): Law and Economics: Convergence and Social Impact

The convergence between law and economics is more than just an interaction of two academic fields; it is a reflection of how legal structures and market forces intertwine to form the basis of our societies. This complex and dynamic relationship manifests itself at multiple levels, from individual decisions to global policies, affecting both small communities and entire economies.

Law, with its principles and regulations, establishes the legal framework within which both individuals and corporate entities operate. This structure not only dictates the rules of the economic game, but also provides the ground for conflict resolution and the protection of rights and freedoms. In contrast, economics, as the study of resource allocation and agent decisions, reveals how these legal frameworks influence economic behavior, determining the efficiency and fairness of markets.

The intersection of law and economics becomes especially evident in areas such as the regulation of financial markets, where legal decisions have a direct impact on the stability and functioning of economic systems. Antitrust policies, for example, not only seek to prevent excessive concentration of economic power, but also promote competition and innovation.

In the sphere of public policy, economic analysis of law becomes an invaluable tool for assessing the effectiveness and efficiency of laws and regulations. This approach makes it possible to understand the intentions behind a policy, as well as to anticipate and mitigate possible unintended consequences, ensuring that legal measures meet their objectives efficiently.

At the international level, the relationship between law and economics takes on an additional dimension. In a globalized world, a country's legal and economic decisions can have far-reaching effects, transcending national borders and affecting the global economy. The regulation of international trade, climate change agreements, and human rights policies are clear examples of how law and economics intertwine on the world stage.

Finally, the role of law and economics in promoting equity and efficiency is an issue of growing importance. In addition to shaping the distribution of wealth and opportunity, decisions in these areas also have the power to address or perpetuate social and economic inequalities. A balanced approach that considers both legal principles and economic realities is therefore essential to building better societies.

This analysis of the interaction between law and economics is then essential to understanding and addressing contemporary challenges. Unraveling how these two disciplines influence each other opens up paths to innovative and sustainable solutions to the problems facing global society. This topic offers an opportunity for rigorous academic analysis while also inviting reflection on how we can shape a more equitable and prosperous future.

Thematic axes

Economic regulation and legal governance: Exploring how economic laws and regulations affect market behavior and corporate governance, including analysis of antitrust policies and financial regulations.

Economic Analysis of Constitutional and Administrative Law: Examine the application of economic analysis in constitutional and administrative law, focusing on how legal decisions impact the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies.

International Law, Trade, and Globalization: Investigate the legal and economic implications of globalization, including international trade, free trade agreements, and their impact on local and global economies.

Technology, Innovation, and Intellectual Property: Analyze how intellectual property and technology legislation fosters or inhibits innovation, and its impact on the digital economy and society.

Social Justice, Law, and Economic Policy: Discuss the intersection of law and economics in promoting social justice, including analyzing policies that address inequality and access to resources.

Sustainability, Environmental Law, and Economics: Address how environmental laws and policies interact with the economy, focusing on sustainable development and natural resource management.

Dispute Resolution and Arbitration in the Economic Context: Study the role of arbitration and dispute resolution in the economic field, including the resolution of commercial disputes and the role of legal mechanisms in economic stability.

Tax Law and Fiscal Policy: Analyze how tax laws and regulations affect the economy, including the evaluation of tax policies, the efficiency and equity of tax systems, and their impact on taxpayer behavior and the distribution of wealth. Topics such as tax evasion and avoidance, international taxation and its interaction with the global economy, and the role of tax law in promoting social justice and sustainable economic development will be explored.

Dossier Coordinators

Rubén Méndez Reátegui is a professor of Law at the Autonomous University of Chile (Institute for Research in Law-IDD, Doctoral Cloister and Faculty of Law) and a visiting professor (honorary) at the Externado University of Colombia, the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Colombia and the UCC of Colombia. He holds a degree in Law and Political Science; a lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; a Master's Degree in Applied Economics from the UNED; an Official University Master's Degree in Institutional Framework and Economic Growth, and in Economics and Social Sciences, from the Rey Juan Carlos University; an Official University Master's Degree in Law (Economic Analysis of Law and Public Policies) from the University of Salamanca; a PhD in Economics from Macquarie University and the Complutense University of Madrid; a Doctor cum Laudae in Law and Social Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University; and an International Doctor cum Laudae in Law from the University of Salamanca. He completed a first postdoctorate in the Latin America in the Global Order Program of the Colegio de América, at the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador headquarters, and completed a second postdoctorate in the Area of ​​Management, Administration, Politics and Society Program, at the same university. He also serves as president of the Latin American Association of Law and Economics, and is director of the CONVERGENCIA - UA Research Group. His areas of interest are related to the Theory of Law and its interactions with Applied Economics, economic regulation, social regulation, institutional quality, formulation and evaluation of public policies and economic development, Legal Design Thinking, Legaltech, Administration and Law, Civil Patrimonial Law, Legal Philosophy, Law and Media, and Law and Journalism.


Fabián A. Romero Jarrín is a lawyer from the Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil. He has a specialization in Taxation and a Master's Degree in Law with an emphasis on Tax Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador campus. He holds a Diploma of Specialization in Economic Analysis of Law awarded by the University of Valencia. Currently, he is pursuing his doctorate at the UANL in Mexico. Throughout his career, he has worked as a legal advisor in various public institutions in Ecuador, such as the Internal Revenue Service and the General Coordination of Public Companies. Currently, he works as a research professor at the Social Sciences Unit of the Catholic University of Cuenca. In addition, he is a member of ALACDE and the Ecuadorian Institute of Tax Law (IEDT), and actively participates in various research networks, such as CONVERGENCIA of the Autonomous University of Chile. He also provides his services as a tax advisor at the law firm Gottifredi Pozo Abogados, in Ecuador.




  • Articles, reviews, and interviews should be submitted through our website using the Submissions button, until Monday, January 6, 2025.
  • Contributions can be written in Spanish, English, or Portuguese.
  • Only contributions that adhere to the Editorial Policy, style manual, and citation rules of the magazine will be accepted.
  • All contributions must be original and cannot be simultaneously submitted to other journals.
  • Submission of articles, essays, reviews, and interviews implies knowledge of and agreement with our Code of Ethics.