
  • Democracy and Rights in the Digital Age: Challenges and Opportunities
    No. 21 (2024)

    In recent decades, technological advances have profoundly transformed our societies, affecting all aspects of daily life and posing challenges for institutions. Technological disruption has reconfigured public life, especially in terms of elections and political campaigns, exemplified by the Cambridge Analytica case. Although these technologies present risks, such as the misuse of personal data, they also offer significant opportunities, as witnessed by the use of blockchain in democratic processes, for example, in Zug, Switzerland. This shift raises debates about “technosolutionism” and the need to balance technological innovation with ethical and regulatory considerations, especially in the area of ​​public law and the protection of emerging digital rights.

  • Law and Artistics Expresions
    No. 20 (2024)

    Law and artistic expressions have shared great passages of history that can be traced in literary and aesthetic manifestations in general, especially in the formative period of the republic, the social crises, the fight for the conquest of rights and the need for a historical memory. The study of the intertexts between Law and artistic expressions has a long tradition in academia, which has gained singular strength in the context of studies on subjectivities, since both legal and creative ones reflect and account for the great challenges contemporary politicians. This dossier will explore the intertexts that pose challenges for the Law and the expressions of art, whether literary, cinematographic or pictorial, in order to establish the coordinates of these dialogues as they constitute spaces to reflect, defend and conquer rights.

  • Feminist Criticisms of Law: Interdisciplinary Contributions for its Construction
    No. 19 (2023)

    The articles that make up the Dossier of this issue propose a critical and feminist reading of the Law. The eleven articles that comprise it present reflections from different countries in the region, and from different theoretical and epistemological positions. Added are two reviews and an interview conducted by the Dossier coordinators with Isabel Jaramillo Sierra, whose work has focused on feminist legal reform and what it has left for women.

  • From Positivism to Postpositivism: Philosophy of Law and Argumentation
    No. 18 (2023)

    The Dossier, made up of seven articles, paints the panorama of the current development of Legal Argumentation in the Spanish-speaking world, especially with regard to the discussion between positivism and post-positivism. The panorama is complemented by five reviews and an interview with Alí Lozada, president of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador.

  • Prison Crisis: Analysis, Criticism, and Proposals
    No. 17 (2022)

    The Dossier of No. 17 includes various views on social rehabilitation centers in Ecuador and an article on the rights of people with disabilities deprived of liberty within the framework of the inter-American human rights system. The open section addresses the situation in Ukraine from international law, and intellectual property rights and the inexcusable error in Ecuador.

  • No. 16 (2021)

    The Dossier of the sixteenth edition of Cálamo, coordinated and presented by María Helena Carbonell Yánez, contains four articles that address International Humanitarian Law in different contexts. In the open topic section, Essay, two articles are presented: one on Constitutional Law and the other on Bioethics.

  • No. 15 (2021)

    The fifteenth issue of the Cálamo is published while still going through the particular circumstances imposed by the pandemic caused by COVID-19. And although society is beginning to move towards a return to normality, all spheres of society continue to be affected in various ways. For this reason, and in continuity with the previous issue, this issue focuses on the relationship between Bioethics and Law, a necessary reflection in this context. This topic is developed in the Dossier section and is taken up in the interview that closes the issue, from Law, Philosophy and Biotechnology. While the Essays section and the review that we host this time address other topics, in accordance with our free topic policy.

  • No. 14 (2020)

    The fourteenth issue of our magazine is the second to be published under the particular circumstances imposed by the pandemic caused by COVID-19. All spheres of our society have been affected; and the educational field in general and the university, in particular, have been comprehensively challenged. In this issue we welcome different contributions that invite us to think about the implications of this pandemic in our lives, about fundamental values, such as freedom, and about the interference of information and communication technologies.

  • No. 13 (2020)

    Our thirteenth issue arises at a particular moment of social upheaval determined by the Covid-19 pandemic which, in addition to its disastrous consequences for health and the global economy, has highlighted the centrality of the IT dimension in our professional and private. Today more than ever, relationships in the virtual space have been accentuated and a labor, political and social organization has been generated around new technologies. In this context, this issue 13 brings together contributions related to legal innovations regarding digital law and ICT.

  • No. 12 (2019)

    Cálamo welcomes multidisciplinary proposals that allow us to think about law in a critical and situated way. Along these lines, the twelfth issue brings together contributions from anthropology and critical thinking about disability to those from the science of law. The dossier is made up of articles that respond to the axes proposed in the call for contributions: issues of family law(s), such as the new family models in the various Latin American jurisprudential interpretations; the transition from de facto union to equal marriage in Latin America; The child's superior interest.

  • No. 11 (2019)

    The current ecological emergency forces us to consider Law from its creative dimension as a science capable of outlining the duty of a new, more just society, not only with human beings, but with their environment in general. It is in this context that our eleventh issue of Cálamo is inscribed, with its thematic emphasis on the rights of nature. Several of the selected articles refer to the Ecuadorian case and respond to Ecuador's pioneering role in the recognition of nature as a subject of rights.

  • No. 10 (2018)

    In this issue, the main focus is on the International Human Rights System, to which are added reflections on the vulnerability of personality rights on the Internet and on the possibility of seeing in art a device for the immaterial remediation of violations. of human rights.

  • No. 9 (2018)

    For Cálamo it is important to maintain a critical space linked to the current events of the discipline that brings us together. Hence, this ninth issue places an emphasis on Administrative Law, because if the forms of social organization are articulated with the search for the improvement of legal mechanisms in the administrative field, these deserve a study of their relevance and evolution. We hope that this issue continues to fuel the academic debate on Law and raises new questions.

  • No. 8 (2018)

    One of our main objectives at Cálamo is to host in our pages reflections and proposals anchored in the analysis of current law. On this occasion we have given particular attention to the present of Criminal Law in the region.

  • No. 7 (2017)

    As we approach half a century of validity of the American Convention on Human Rights, we have articulated this seventh issue of Cálamo around the reflection on the Inter-American Human Rights System and the Inter-American Court. With this seventh issue Cálamo contributes to the development of Social Sciences and Law, raising current reflections and questions with the participation of national and foreign academics of recognized trajectory.

  • Electoral Law and Democracy in the 21st Century
    No. 6 (2016)

    Issue 6 of Cálamo is dedicated to aspects of electoral law and democracy in the 21st century, and addresses issues of great relevance to the political life of Ecuador in these times. This new installment of Cálamo allows us to fuel a debate about the importance of electoral systems and fair political representation; how States should resolve tensions between freedom and security; centrality and legal pluralism; the problems of democracy and political pluralism; and, the authoritarian tendency of presidentialism in some Latin American countries.

  • Rights and Migrations
    No. 5 (2016)

    Cálamo presents to the reader its fifth issue, dedicated to the study of migrations, an endeavor in which views from Legal Science, Political Science, Philosophy and Legal Sociology are articulated. With the proposal of this new installment, Cálamo continues to insert itself into the most current and relevant debates for the Social Sciences, and, especially, in the disciplinary field of Law, giving academics and intellectuals on the national and international stage a space for reflection and dialogue.

  • Law and Work
    No. 4 (2015)

    The fourth issue of Cálamo has as its main theme the relationship between work and Law. In this era in which the subject and society are structured around the fundamental pillar of work, it is important to question the relationship it maintains with the Law; understanding the latter not only as the legal framework in which work is carried out but also as the main instrument to contribute to the construction of fairer labor relations.

  • Constitutional Reform and Popular Participation
    No. 3 (2015)

    The third issue of Cálamo addresses as a central topic one of the classic aspects of Constitutional Theory that has extraordinary relevance: the power of constitutional reform. This third issue aims to contribute from different perspectives to the national debate on the topic of constitutional reform and popular participation, in order to open a space for democratic and multidisciplinary academic reflection.

  • Legal Pluralism
    No. 2 (2014)

    The Editorial Committee of Cálamo presents its second issue, dedicated to legal pluralism, a phenomenon that has been addressed with the aim of promoting interdisciplinary studies. This issue responds to the interest of inserting the Faculty of Law of the University of Las Américas in the debates on legal pluralism in Ecuador. Taking into account that the situation of legal plurality is an unquestionable reality in the country and in the Latin American context, which presents numerous challenges for the State paradigm that is being attempted to be built, not only from the constitutional dimension, but from the socio-economic actors. politicians.

  • Law and Gender
    No. 1 (2014)

    The Editorial Committee of Cálamo presents its first issue to the university community, dedicated to Gender Studies. The theme chosen for this first issue responds to the interest in approaching, from Law, gender, one of the fundamental debates in the Social Sciences today. The line we have followed is to promote interdisciplinary studies, so that there is no purely legal approach, but rather shows the connections between Law and the entire social spectrum, from the dimensions of Philosophy and political and constitutional Theory. , fundamentally.