Philosophy of Law Regarding the Activity of the Practical Jurist

A view from postpositivism


  • Jaime Rosero Cabezas Universidad Central del Ecuador



Social transformation, Constitutionalism, Argumentative approach, Practice, Judge, Lawye, Transforming role, Social knowledge


This article addresses the main reasons for understanding the connection between the Philosophy of Law and the activity of the practical jurist. An attempt is made to establish that social transformation is the primary objective of the new legal current. Additionally, the article connects the development of current legal practice (constitutionalism and the argumentative approach) with a
strong bond to philosophical law topics.

Author Biography

Jaime Rosero Cabezas, Universidad Central del Ecuador

Abogado por la Universidad Central del Ecuador; máster en Argumentación Jurídica por la Universidad de Alicante, España; máster en Argumentación Jurídica por la Universidad de Palermo, Italia. Es coordinador académico de Unión Académica Profesional (UNAP Seminarios), presidente honorífico de la Academia de Derecho y Argumentación.


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How to Cite

Rosero Cabezas, J. (2023). Philosophy of Law Regarding the Activity of the Practical Jurist : A view from postpositivism . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (18), 93–105.