The Betrayal of Images and Word

Psychological States in Artistic and Legal Interpretation


  • Gustavo Silva Cajas Universidad de las Américas (Ecuador)



Intentionalism, Art, Law, Magritte, Dworkin, Constructivism


The present work explores how the theory of psychological or mental states is applied in the interpretation of pictorial art and Law, based on the work of Ronald Dworkin. For this purpose, I have been selected two works of art by René Magritte that have caused controversy in interpretative terms due to the difficulty they present in the face of attempts to determine what they express or what their meanings are, and the article 17.2 of the American Convention on Human Rights, to which the interpretative controversy was set on determining whether marriage could be celebrated only between people of different sexes or also between those of the same sex. I conclude that, when making an interpretation, it is not enough to achieve the best possible interpretation in art and law, for which the alternative would be to use a constructivist interpretation.

Author Biography

Gustavo Silva Cajas, Universidad de las Américas (Ecuador)

PhD student in Law and master's degree in Constitutional Law from the University of Seville, Spain; master in Legal Argumentation from the University of Alicante, Spain, and the Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy. He is a constitutional consultant to the Inter-American Development Bank at the Constitutional Court of Ecuador and professor of the Philosophy of Law and Legal Logic chairs at the University of the Americas, Ecuador.


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Normativa y jurisprudencia

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How to Cite

Silva Cajas, G. (2024). The Betrayal of Images and Word: Psychological States in Artistic and Legal Interpretation. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (20), 129–141.