Marx and the aenigma of Spinoza


  • Nicolás González Valera



liberalism, Spinozism, Marxism, Hegelianism, political philosophy


Marx was an attentive reader of Spinoza’s political philosophy, no doubts. The deeper assimilation took place between 1841 and 1842, in his “democratic” phase that precedes the transcendental moment of Kritik to the political philosophy of Hegel and to the overcoming Republican-Liberalism of Bauer and Ruge. Marx, following the Hegelian method itself refutes the political Spinozism by considering it, not so much a point of view absolutely false, but as not constituting the highest Standpunkt of Liberalism, which is that of Hegel. Refuting the real system, Marx sees Spinoza as content area and as a subordinate moment of Hegel’s political philosophy in toto.

The “nerve refutation” of Spinoza, the attack in his own trenches, takes place in realities by lifting a shot within the same political Hegel. The True Kritik to Spinozism is to recognize his point of view as essential and necessary in the development of Liberalism, which is embedded in a higher and more concrete philosophical and political level, as is the Hegelian Grundlinien. Spinoza can be understood in its entirety, in its limitations and blind spots, through the mediation process conducted by the Hegelian Marx parricide.

Author Biography

Nicolás González Valera

Ensayista, editor, traductor y periodista cultural. Ha estudiado filosofía y psicología y enseñado Ciencias Políticas en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, así como traducido a Marx, Heidegger, Graves, Owen, Pessoa y Wallace entre otros. Autor de diversos artículos y estudios sobre Arendt, Blanchot, Heidegger, Engels, Graves, Marx, Nietzsche, Pound, Spinoza, colabora en distintos medios gráficos y digitales de actualidad y cultura tanto en Europa como en América. La última obra que Nicolás González Varela nos propone es la edición completa por primera vez en lengua española de los escritos políticos del gran poeta lusitano Fernando Pessoa.


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How to Cite

González Valera, N. (2023). Marx and the aenigma of Spinoza. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (1), 167–183.



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