The “Honeymoon Effect” in Fragmented Multiparty Contexts

The Case of the Presidential Veto in Ecuador


  • Gabriel Hidalgo Andrade



presidential veto, legislative production, power struggle, fragmented multiparty, minority government


This paper studies the reasons of a total veto in a context of strained relations between the executive and legislative powers in Ecuador. The study takes into consideration the theory of the veto as a presidential power to block and it contributes to the debates about the power struggle through analyzing the latest findings on vetoes and legislative production in the country from 1984 to 2013. This paper is divided into five parts. The first one offers a brief theoretical discussion of the blocking power of the veto. The second one studies the institutional design of the legislative production considering the discussion of the power struggle. The third part reflects on the existing literature about minority government figures and fragmented multiparty system. The fourth part evaluates the data presented in this paper. The fifth part shows some conclusions.

Author Biography

Gabriel Hidalgo Andrade

Doctor (c) por la Universidad de Salamanca, Máster en Ciencia Política por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Abogado. Asesor legislativo en la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador durante el 2013. Columnista del Diario La Hora de Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Andrade, G. (2023). The “Honeymoon Effect” in Fragmented Multiparty Contexts: The Case of the Presidential Veto in Ecuador. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (1), 107–121.


