Of the Plurality as a Condition for the Advent of Politics and the Risk of Aestheticization of Difference


  • Pamela Jijón Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)




politics, pluralism, action, estheticization, common world, difference


Legal pluralism necessarily refers us to a discussion in which, by looking at politics as the space for the realization and manifestation of the law, it is necessary to establish the nature of the relationship between politics and pluralism. This is why is enlightening to look up towards Hannah Arendt thinking to understand how pluralism is the required condition for the construction of politics, which at the same time is the manifestation of two main elements: action and word. However, it is important to show, like Rancière does, that politics is not a perfect space for achieving human relationship, and it is marked by a failure that implies the non-participation of one part of the characters in the cast of the common world. In our national and regional context, indigenous individuals have been victims of this failure, and legal pluralism is an action to remedy this failure, that nevertheless is still in the threat of an estheticization of difference as a form of the others denial.

Author Biography

Pamela Jijón, Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)

Docente de la Universidad de las Américas. Inició sus estudios de filosofía en la “Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador”. Obtuvo una beca del gobierno francés para la realización de su máster en Filosofía, en el que se especializó en Filosofía de Lenguaje. En 2012 obtuvo su doctorado en Filosofía en la Universidad de París 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis con una tesis sobre “el retorno del concepto de trabajo en la política. Una vía para la emancipación en América latina” bajo la dirección del profesor Georges Navet.


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How to Cite

Jijón, P. (2023). Of the Plurality as a Condition for the Advent of Politics and the Risk of Aestheticization of Difference. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (2), 47–56. https://doi.org/10.61243/calamo.2.317




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