Between Immanence and Transcendencesome
Rules to Help us Think Work
Work, Immanence, Transcendence, Subject, IntelligibilityAbstract
To think the concept of work does not fall within the scope of evidence, because knowledge of labor implies placing yourself permanently between the abstract and the concrete, between what has been lived intimately and public recognition, between the subject’s will and resignation of that same will. It is a place of contradictions, of extreme complexity. In a time when every action tends to become work, the search for meaning on this particular issue turns essential for anyone who believes it is still possible to influence the course of history. It is therefore essential to make a critical reading of the levels of intelligibility in which work has been analyzed, and from there to think about the subject, and see how that subject is placed between the production of the object of his/her work and the production of itself as subject; through the agent of work that is neither transcendent nor immanent.
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