Constituent Powers and International Human Rights Law


  • Jorge Benavides Ordóñez Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)



Original constituent power, Human rights, Sovereignty, Heteronomous boundaries, Internationalization of law.


In this article the analysis focuses to determine to what extent the exercise of the original constituent power is conditioned by the international law of human rights? In this sense, it is argued that the current understanding of constituent power has gradually departed from its nineteenth-century revolutionary significance. It is pointed out that, even if constitutional assemblies are foreseen by some constitutions, the latter are formally bound to the constitutional texts that they are going to replace, but not in the content of their decisions. It also highlights the effectiveness of international treaties on rights, as well as the actions of international protection bodies in their role as guardians of heteronomous material boundaries.

Author Biography

Jorge Benavides Ordóñez, Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)

Abogado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. PhD en Derecho Constitucional. Máster en Filosofía y Cultura Moderna, Universidad de Sevilla. Diploma Superior en Derecho Constitucional, UASB-E. Doctor en Derecho Constitucional, Universidad de Sevilla


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How to Cite

Benavides Ordóñez, J. (2023). Constituent Powers and International Human Rights Law. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (7), 31–41.


