Summary On The Ontological Vision Under The Ethical Basis Proposed By Benito Spinoza


  • Emilio Cerezo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



God, Human Mode, Potentiality, Reason, Imagination


For dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza, there are two levels under which reality is appreciated: the first one is the one of God and the universe as a whole. Since the universe is absolute, the concepts of “good” and “evil” are non-existent. Every being is entitled to develop its potential to the fullest extent (for example, a tiger does well in eating a person). The second level is conditioned to the way that human beings are. Under this perspective, what is good or bad is defined by an ideal model of human nature, that changes with time. The author also propposes the levels of knowledge and life that allow to develop one´s own potential: a determinist one (passion) and a more libertal one (action and the union with God).

Author Biography

Emilio Cerezo, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Licenciado y Magister en filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. Profesor a tiempo completo de la Universidad de las Américas, de lógica, deontología jurídica y filosofía del derecho. Especialista de la filosofía ética de Espinoza.


Espinosa, Baruch. 1980 (1675). Ética demostrada según el orden geométrico, 3ª ed. Madrid: Ed. Nacional.

Spinoza, Baruch. 1852 (1661). Breve Tratado sobre Dios, el hombre y su felicidad (1661).



How to Cite

Cerezo, E. (2023). Summary On The Ontological Vision Under The Ethical Basis Proposed By Benito Spinoza . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (9), 76–86.



Resumen de obra