The International Community, in Favor of the International Legal Subjectivity of Multinationals?


  • Jacqueline Hellman



International legal subjectivity, Artificial persons, Human rights, United Nations Organization, Ruggie principles


The international society has traditionally presented a markedly state nature; however, nowadays, the outstanding role that other actors play in the current and complex international relations is appreciated. This phenomenon is a consequence, to a large extent, of the process of humanization to which contemporary international law seems to be undergo. This, logically, has meant a substantial alteration of its “appearance”, which in turn has resulted in the recognition of an international legal personality in favor of certain nonstate actors. Thus, in light of the current context, it should not be odd to us the debate that is being raised about whether artificial persons, traditionally not classified as subjects from the point of view of supranational regulation, can be considered as such in a not so remote future. Obviously, this discussion, strongly revived in recent years, advocates in some way for the crystallization of a broad conception of the civitas maxim and, therefore, in a frontal and challenging breakdown with the existing classical theory on international legal subjectivity.

Author Biography

Jacqueline Hellman

Doctora en derecho por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Estudió el Máster de Derecho de la Unión Europea y Derecho de la Competencia de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, obteniendo el premio Luis Vives concedido por el Parlamento Europeo al mejor alumno del Máster. Ha trabajado en organizaciones y fundaciones españolas y extranjeras consagradas al asesoramiento legal en procesos judiciales vinculados a graves violaciones de derechos humanos.


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How to Cite

Hellman, J. (2023). The International Community, in Favor of the International Legal Subjectivity of Multinationals? . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (10), 37–49.


