The Scope of Trade Names


  • Andrea Muñoz



Trade name, Territoriality principle, Declarative right, Constitutive right


The territorial protection that characterizes trade names can’t be disregarded; doing so would detract its own nature. Recently, the Tribunal of Justice of the Andean Community, has delivered a decision regarding trade names in which it has restricted the protection, referring it to a local level, leaving aside national protection. It is necessary to analyze this new approach and the effects/risks it can have on the nature and application of trade names. This paper also studies the scope of the protection regarding distinctive signs in process of registration that can clash with a commercial name already registered.

Author Biography

Andrea Muñoz

Abogada de los tribunales y los juzgados de la república del Ecuador, abogada en libre ejercicio profesional en el estudio jurídico Solines y Asociados.


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How to Cite

Muñoz, A. (2023). The Scope of Trade Names . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (12), 66–75.


