The Importance of Data Protection and the Current Situation in Ecuador
The multiple technological developments have brought great benefits to our lives, making daily routines easier and allowing immediate access to information and knowledge. Although this gigantic progress has revolutionized our way of living and how things are done. To achieve this, it has been necessary to create a parallel digital world, full of data and information that have been managed without any control for many years. Such is the case of Ecuador, where there is still no Data Protection Law that allows citizens to freely establish and decide over their data. The knowledge that individuals have on this matter is scarce and this situation promotes possible breaches. This article explains what personal data is and how it is protected. It also analyses the Ecuadorian reality, as well as the legal regulations developed by other countries to protect their citizens. In the same way, it explains the real consequences of the misuse of data, especially when it is connected with the potential of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
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