Bioethics and Bio-Law

Overture for a Relationship


  • Miguel Kottow Universidad de Chile



Bioethics, Bio-law, State of emergency, Fear, Risk


The COVID-19 pandemic has shown bioethics’ incapacity to provide an insight public health measure in emergency situations. Published deliberations over allocation of scarce resources, application of triage criteria, and prevalent debates on coercive sanitary measures versus individual autonomy have been ignored, confirming that bioethics lacks normative force. Indecision and non-binding recommendations have stimulated interest in presenting a prescriptive and coercive bio-law. Lawful binding of bioethical deliberation requires well-thought rationale and the development of a flexible bio-law which respects circumstances and contingencies to avoid paralyzing bioethics’ reflective efforts.

Author Biography

Miguel Kottow, Universidad de Chile

Médico con especialidad en Oftalmología, doctor en Medicina, magister en Sociología, profesor titular de la Universidad de Chile, maestro de Bioética por la Sociedad Chilena de Bioética. Es autor de numerosos artículos, capítulos de libros y textos de Bioética, Antropología médica y Filosofía de la medicina. También es miembro del comité editorial y revisor de varias publicaciones indexadas y regionales de Bioética.


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How to Cite

Kottow, M. (2023). Bioethics and Bio-Law: Overture for a Relationship. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (15), 23–33.


