Ukraine as A “Sacrificed Zone” In International Law


  • Efrén Ernesto Guerrero Salgado Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador



Sacrifice zone, Geopolitics, International law, International law of armed conflict, Russia


This essay seeks to bring the concept of “sacrifice zone” used in environmental activism on territories where rights are limited in order to protect superior interests, closer to the logics of geopolitics and international law, focusing on the conflict staged in Ukraine. An approach of the conflict is made, placing it in the state of the art of the normative and jurisprudential experience, to later compare it with this first concept. We conclude that there are elements to propose this territory as “sacrificed”, and that the dynamics of the traditional system of relations between States have been limited as a means of containment, producing fractured international relations, and in short, a systemic failure of the ties that sustain the status quo that is supposed to be basic in the traditional dynamics of the Iura inter Iura.

Author Biography

Efrén Ernesto Guerrero Salgado, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas y abogado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE); Máster en Protección de Derechos Humanos por la Universidad de Alcalá; Máster Oficial en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid/Instituto Ortega y Gasset; Doctor en Gobierno y Administración Pública por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Es profesor principal en la Facultad de Jurisprudencia de la PUCE. 


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How to Cite

Guerrero Salgado, E. E. (2022). Ukraine as A “Sacrificed Zone” In International Law. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (17), 114–130.