Feminisms and Penal Expansion
The Role of Rights-based Discourses in Post-neoliberal Ecuador (2007-2017)
Carceral feminism, Violence against women, Criminal law, Human rights, Pink tideAbstract
This article empirically explores feminist discourses on the criminalization of violence against women (VAW) in Ecuador, in a “post-neoliberal” period. It nuances the idea that penal expansion thrives primarily through neoliberalism and the co-optation of feminism, which now prioritizes punishment over social redistribution. In Ecuador, several feminisms that promoted the criminalization of VAW promoted a redistributive agenda. Thus, the Ecuadorian case complicates the debates on “carceral feminism”, its causes, effects, and dynamics. The findings indicate that human rights-based discourses enable a “benign” penal apparatus that allows progressives to justify criminality, while overlooking non-penal options to address VAW.
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