Contributive Analysis for the Mitigation of the Urban Impact

San Pedro Garza García Case




Public income, Contribution, Environmental mitigation, Urban impact, Tax law


This article analyzes the figure of the contributory contributions for the mitigation of the urban impact provided for in the eighth title of the Zoning and Land Use Regulations of the municipality of San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León, Mexico, as a source of municipal income. Therefore, first the generalities, characteristics and elements that comprise said contribution are studied to determine its fiscal nature and finally analyze whether said figure addresses its effective application in accordance with the law or violates the legal sphere of taxpayers based on constitutional tax principles.

Author Biographies

Daniel Alberto Garza de la Vega, FacDyC-UANL

He holds a PhD in Law with a specialisation in Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods from the National Quality Postgraduate Programme of CONACyT at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL, and a PhD in Human Rights from the University of Multinational Studies. He is a researcher of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT-Mexico Level I, and researcher of the Research Center of Legal Technology and Criminology belonging to the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL. His areas of research are: Tax Law, Digital Law, Constitutional Law and Human Rights. He is a professor in the Master's Degree in Tax Law and Public Finance, member of the Academic Staff in the Master's Degree and Bachelor's Degree in Tax Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminology of the UANL.

Paula Andrade Lozano, FACDyC-UANL

She has a law degree from the University of Monterrey, graduated from the Honors Program, and a Master's Degree in Tax Law and Public Finance from the FacDyC-UANL. She works as a litigation lawyer in administrative matters, specialising in urban development.


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Normativa y jurisprudencia

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How to Cite

Garza de la Vega, D. A., & Andrade Lozano, P. (2025). Contributive Analysis for the Mitigation of the Urban Impact: San Pedro Garza García Case. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, 22(22), 45–59.