Contributions for a Sensitive View of Migration




Migration, Aesthetics, Human mobility, Photography, Arts, Human rights, Nondiscrimination, Equality, Ethics


This essay raises a reflection on the construction of the principle of equality and non-discrimination, seen from photography. It proposes a link between art and human rights that analyzes how the image is a support that contributes to the construction of concepts and prejudices about human mobility. Based on notions about aesthetics, politics and photography proposed by authors such as Jaques Rancière and Susan Sontag, an image is presented with which in the contemporary world inaugurated a photographic album about migration and its conditions. From there he approaches other photographs that enter into debate with the principles and rights of people in human mobility recognized in the Constitution of Ecuador. In this way, the text aims to promote a reflective dialogue that, within the framework of human rights, approaches the photographic work and its view on current migration processes, the construction of collective imaginaries and the construction of public policy.

Author Biography

Eufemia Sánchez Borja, Universidad Técnica Equinoccial

She has a doctorate in Women's Studies, Gender Practices and Discourses, and an expert in peace management, from the University of Granada-Spain. He also has a master's degree in International Relations from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador. She is a lawyer and communicator dedicated to research and teaching at the Equinoccial Technical University of Ecuador (UTE) and the San Francisco Xavier University, in Bolivia. She is an international consultant for organizations such as the German Technical Cooperation-GIZ and United Nations agencies on issues related to gender and migration. Email:


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Normativa y jurisprudencia

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How to Cite

Sánchez Borja, E. (2024). Contributions for a Sensitive View of Migration. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (21).