Hannah Arendt Facing Law and Literature

Narrative Redemption





Phenomenology of art, Artwork, Narrative for redemption, Subject, Jewish outcast


Hannah Arendt’s aesthetic thoughts have not been largely taken into account in Law and Literature. This article seeks to give an approach to her phenomenology of art that bases a narrative for redemption. To do this I focus on her concept of a work of art, which characteristics and functions give rise to two types of narrative: one of redemption, which seeks to rescue the defeated of history from oblivion, and another of understanding, which seeks to morally commit the reader. To highlight the first, I look at the use of In Search of Lost Time in Arendt’s work, regarding the redemption of the Jewish outcast. I conclude with some projections and criticisms.

Author Biography

Camilo Arancibia Hurtado, Universidad de Valparaíso

Lawyer, professor of Civil Law and Law and Literature at the School of Law of the University of Valparaíso. Master in Law and Master in Literature. PhD candidate in Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Arancibia Hurtado, C. (2024). Hannah Arendt Facing Law and Literature: Narrative Redemption. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (20), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.61243/calamo.20.354