Latin america criminology from a postcolonial approach

uma abordagem pós-colonial


  • María del Mar Gallegos Universidad de Melbourne (Australia)



Criminology, Postcolonial, LatinAmerica, Crime, Colonialism, Decolonization


This article aims to encourage all those interested, to develop theories adjusted to the reality of the Latin American context regarding criminology. Principally, it advocates on the analysis of criminology from a post-colonial perspective, in order to understand the consequences of colonialism on both the colonized and colonizer. Post-Colonialism maintains that the process and structures of colonization continues to have consequences for the dynamics of our time. This article considers the law and in particular the violence that Latin America experiences as examples of these colonial consequences. Subsequently, if the intention is to prevent and reduce crime, postcolonial criminological theory – one that is also removed from Eurocentrism- must be incorporated within our approaches.

Author Biography

María del Mar Gallegos, Universidad de Melbourne (Australia)

Abogada, profesora de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la UDLA, cursa actualmente un Master en Criminología en la Universidad de Melbourne.


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How to Cite

del Mar Gallegos, M. (2017). Latin america criminology from a postcolonial approach: uma abordagem pós-colonial. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (8), 33–43.


