The Relationship between Work and Politics in the Thought of Simone Weil

Base to Think Emancipation


  • Pamela Jijón Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)



Simone Weil, Emancipation, Necessity, Politics, Labour, Work


Workplace constitutes the space, by excellence, in which the relation between action and subject and in relation to other develops. It’s in it that the bonds of oppression have been crystallised much clearer. It’s in the recognition of the political nature of labour, having in mind its methodological and temporal conditions that we can consider it as an opportunity to step away from necessity into emancipation. The line of thought of Simone Weil allows us to analyse labour as a place where we can relate to others, elucidate in it the nature of humans that drive us into action, and see its political nature.

Author Biography

Pamela Jijón, Universidad de Las Américas (Ecuador)

Docente investigador de la Universidad de las Américas de Quito. Inició sus estudios de filosofía en la Universidad Católica de Quito. Realizó su máster en filosofía en la Universidad de Paris 8, con especialidad en filosofía del lenguaje. En 2012 obtuvo su Phd en Filosofía en la misma universidad, especializándose en filosofía política y del trabajo.


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How to Cite

Jijón, P. (2023). The Relationship between Work and Politics in the Thought of Simone Weil: Base to Think Emancipation. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (4), 43–53.


