The Migration Game

Just a Wambra’s Passtime?


  • Carlos Leonardo Minchala



Migration, Childhood, Social imaginary facts, Subjectivities, Game, Habitus


The “migration game” has become popular among children of Jerez Calchur, a neighborhood located in Cañar, a province in the south of Ecuador. At the end of the day they get together spontaneously in a playground to play this game. This article will proceed to analyze the way in which children amuse themselves by playing this game and how this is a portrayal of the migratory traditions that their relatives or neighbors have experienced, mainly those related to reaching the United States as a country of destination. Thus, through the analisis of the “migration game” it will be possible to demonstrate the construction of habitus and at the same time how the social imaginaries are represented in regards to irregular migration, due to the fact that it is the way in which the children of the community have chosen to react to the migration phenomenon which has affected most of the subjectivities of the province of Cañar.

Author Biography

Carlos Leonardo Minchala

Coordinador Nacional de Servicio Comunitario en Fundación La Salle de Ciencias Naturales (Venezuela). Obtuvo la licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, realizó estudios sobre Currículum en FLACSO-Argentina. Entre sus líneas de investigación están los temas relacionados con migración, juventudes y educación


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How to Cite

Minchala, C. L. (2023). The Migration Game: Just a Wambra’s Passtime?. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (5), 41–50.