The accusatory criminal system in Mexico

Challenges and adversities


  • Roberto Huerta Peruyero Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México)



Citizen Perception, Corruption, Distrus, Oral Trials, Adversarial System


The accusatory criminal system has represented a major change in the administration of justice for Mexico. Many documents have been written about the implications of the reform in technical-legal terms, however, there is one issue that has remained relegated from the discussion and this is the challenge that the accusatory criminal system must face: gain credibility in the face of enormous discontent and distrust that citizens have about the application of justice in Mexico. The present work intends show a general diagnosis about the social perception regarding the Mexican penal system, in contrast to the main proposals of the legislator manifested in the reform to reverse this situation and, finally, a first balance to little more than a year of its implementation throughout the country.

Author Biography

Roberto Huerta Peruyero, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México)

Jurista, politólogo y latinoamericanista. Profesor investigador del Depto. de Política y Cultura de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.


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How to Cite

Huerta Peruyero, R. (2023). The accusatory criminal system in Mexico: Challenges and adversities. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (8), 44–56.


