Teleworking and Its Application During COVID-19 Emergency

The challenges and opportunities around its regulation


  • Diego Echeverría Contraloría General del Estado (Ecuador)



E-Working / Telecommuting; Teleworker, Remote Working, Information and Communications Technology ICT;, Work Establishment, Internet, Web Navigation, COVID-19


Teleworking includes the realization of remote work outside the workplace, through the support of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It consists of a form of work organization recognized by Ecuador based on articles 284 and 325 of the Constitution. The same labor rights that apply in traditional forms of work organization must be respected and guaranteed. There are advantages and disadvantages that can be analyzed from the perspective of the worker, the employer, and society as a whole. The interdependence of rights requires the State to ensure their protection and guarantee, mainly in an emergency context. COVID-19 poses new challenges in the application of teleworking.

Author Biography

Diego Echeverría, Contraloría General del Estado (Ecuador)

Abogado de los tribunales y juzgados de la república, por la Universidad de las Américas. Servidor público en la Contraloría General del Estado.


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How to Cite

Echeverría, D. (2023). Teleworking and Its Application During COVID-19 Emergency : The challenges and opportunities around its regulation . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (14), 65–82.


