The Tacit Acceptance of the Inheritance Through the Sale of the Hereditary Fee


  • Johanna Ponce Alburquerque entro de Mediación de la Fundación de Medios Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos “Mediatores”(Ecuador)



Acceptance, Sale of the hereditary quota, Inheritance, Succession, Tacit Acceptance, Waiver of inheritance


The acceptance of inheritance is a legal act that produces legal-patrimonial effects, for the one who must or not succeed the deceased. From this point of view, succession mortis causa is a way of managing the inheritance of the deceased, rather than a way of acquiring property. Hence, one thing is the right to inherit and another to become an heir; it will depend on the expression of the will of the person called to succeed he or she who died, and this manifestation of the will may be affirmative (express or tacit acceptance) or negative (repudiation). This study examines, in a general way, the cases in which the successor acts as heir, without manifesting his express will to be heir, and in a particular way, the tacit acceptance of the inheritance through the sale of the hereditary quota, before the partition and other assumptions contemplated in article 1000 of the Spanish Civil Code. The analysis is carried out in the light of Spanish jurisprudence and doctrine, to determine the legal consequences that this form of acceptance implies

Author Biography

Johanna Ponce Alburquerque, entro de Mediación de la Fundación de Medios Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos “Mediatores”(Ecuador)

PhD en Derecho Privado y Magister en Ciencias de la Familia por la Universidad Santiago de Compostela, España. Magíster en Derecho Administrativo por la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Ecuador. Es socia fundadora, presidenta y directora del Centro de Mediación de la Fundación de Medios Alternativos de Solución de Conflictos “Mediatores”.


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How to Cite

Ponce Alburquerque, J. (2023). The Tacit Acceptance of the Inheritance Through the Sale of the Hereditary Fee . Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (15), 62–76.




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