Integral Protection in Relation to IHL And IHR

A Proposal for Future Inquires


  • Hugo Cahueñas Muñoz Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)
  • Juan Felipe Idrovo Romo Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)



International Humanitarian Law, Human rights, Integral protection, Interpretation, Integration, Gray areas


IHL and IHRL share similar objectives and characteristics but there are also important differences and contradictions between these two regimes. Therefore, when considering new violence scenarios dominated by gray areas, it is important to accurately determine the applicable law. Doctrine has intended to explain the interaction between IHL and IHRL through three trends or theories: exclusivity, complementarity, and integration. This article instead proposes an approach towards a new proposal with a specific purpose: the integral protection of society. Here, an interpretation that considers all applicable rules of IHL and IHRL is proposed.

Author Biographies

Hugo Cahueñas Muñoz, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)

Profesor titular del Colegio de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito; Profesor asociado de la Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar y de la Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo. Candidato al título de PhD. por la Universidad de Berna (Suiza).

Juan Felipe Idrovo Romo, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (Ecuador)

Candidato a abogado (egresado) por el Colegio de Jurisprudencia de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito.


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How to Cite

Cahueñas Muñoz, H., & Idrovo Romo, J. F. (2022). Integral Protection in Relation to IHL And IHR: A Proposal for Future Inquires. Cálamo, Journal of Legal Studies, (16), 45–60.


