Citation Guide

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At Cálamo we use the Chicago Citation Manual in Author-year format. Citations and bibliographic references are included in the text, in parentheses, according to the following models.


1. Books and Parts of Books

Book With One Author

In the text: (Duch 1998, 99-100)

In the list of references: Duch, Lluís. 1998. Mito, interpretación y cultura. Barcelona: Herder.

Book With Two Authors

In the text: (León and Montero 1993, 25)

In the list of references: León, Orfelio G. and Ignacio Montero. 1993. Diseño de investigaciones: Introducción a la lógica de la investigación en psicología y educación. Madrid: McGraw-Hill/Interamericana de España.

Book With Three Authors

In the text: (Borrego Nieto, Gómez Asencio and Prieto de los Mozos 1986)

In the list of references: Borrego Nieto, Julio, José J. Gómez Asencio and Emilio Prieto de los Mozos. 1986. El subjuntivo: valores y usos. Madrid: SGEL.

Book With Four or More Authors

In the text: (Ojeda et al. 2009, 128-129)

In the list of references: All the authors are included in the reference list. The order and punctuation are the same as in the case of books with two or three authors.

Editor, Translator or Compiler

In the text: (Notario Ruiz 2005, 24)

In the list of references: Notario Ruiz, Antonio, ed. 2005. Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: University of Salamanca Editions.

Editor, Translator or Compiler, as Well as Author

In the text: (Fernández Ramírez 1985, 112-123)

In the list of references: Fernández Ramírez, Salvador. 1985. La enseñanza de la gramática y la literatura, edited by José Polo. Madrid: Arco/Books.

Chapter or Other Part of a Book

In the text: (Gómez Mendoza 2009)

In the list of references: Gómez Mendoza, Josefina. 2009. “Ecología urbana y paisaje de la ciudad”. In La ciudad del futuro, edited by Antonio Bonet Correa, 177-217. Madrid: Institute of Spain.

Preface, Prologue, Introduction or Similar Part of a Book

In the text: (Rieger 1982, XX-XXI)

In the list of references: Rieger, James. 1982. “Introduction”. Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus, by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, XI-XXXVII. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Digital Book

Many books published in digital format may have a printed equivalent. But given the possibility of differences, the format in which it was consulted must be indicated.

In the books consulted and available online, the URL and the access date must be included.

In books in digital format that have an identifier (a DOI), it must be noted.

In the case of making a verbatim citation, if the page numbers are not exactly known, the section or chapter title or other identifying information can be included.

Example 1:

In the text: (Nietzcshe 2016 (1887), prologue, paragraph 3)

In the list of references: Nietzsche, Friedrich. 2016 (1887). La genealogía de la Moral. Freeditorial. Digital edition. Accessed December 20, 2023.  La Genealogía de la Moral|FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE| Descargar Libro|PDF EPUB|Freeditorial

Example 2:

In the text: (Gutiérrez Ordoñez 1981)

In the list of references: Gutiérrez Ordoñez, Salvador. 1981. Lingüística y semántica: Aproximación funcional. Oviedo: University of Oviedo. Accessed November 15, 2022.

Example 3:

In the text: (Kurland and Lerner, chap. 10, doc. 19)

In the list of references: Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders' Constitution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Accessed February 28, 2010.

Various Texts From the Same Author

References from the same author will be listed in descending order according to the year of publication: the most recent published text is noted first to the oldest.


Atienza, Manuel. 2013. Curso de argumentación jurídica. Madrid: Trotta.

Atienza, Manuel. 2007. “Argumentación y Constitución”. In Fragmentos para una teoría de la Constitución, by Josep Aguiló Regla, Manuel Atienza and Juan Ruiz Manero, 113-181. Madrid: Iustel.

Atienza, Manuel. 2006. El Derecho como argumentación. Barcelona: Ariel.

Several Texts by the Same Author-a Published the Same Year

References by the same author published in the same year will be distinguished with a letter, assigning the letters from a.

In the text: (Tapia Tapia 2023a and Tapia Tapia 2023b)

In the list of references:

Tapia Tapia, Silvana. 2023a. "Human Rights Penality and Violence Against Women: The Coloniality of Disembodied Justice". Law and Criticism. Digital edition. Accessed January 20, 2024. DOI:

Tapia Tapia, Silvana. 2023b. " Feminismos y expansión penal. El rol de los discursos basados en derechos en el Ecuador posneoliberal (2007-2017)". Cálamo Legal Studies Magazine, issue 19: 27-47. Digital edition. DOI:


2. Papers in Journals

Article in a Printed Journal

In the text, if applicable, the specific number of the page consulted is cited. In the reference list entry, the beginning and end numbers of the entire article must be indicated.

In the text: (Hernández Guerrero 2011, 115)

In the list of references: Hernández Guerrero, María José. 2011. “Presencia y utilización de la traducción en la prensa española”. Meta 56, issue 1: 101-118.

Article in an Online Journal

Indicate the date of access and the DOI (Digital Object Identifier), if the journal uses one, or, if not, the URL.

In the text: (Feliu Albadalejo 2011, 470)

In the list of references:

Feliu Albadalejo, Ángeles. 2011. “La publicidad institucional en la arena parlamentaria española”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 66: 454-481. DOI:

Feliu Albadalejo, Angeles. 2011. “La publicidad institucional en la arena parlamentaria española”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social 66 66: 454-481. Accessed February 2, 2015. La publicidad institucional en la arena parlamentaria española - Dialnet (


3. Article in Newspapers or Magazines

Articles in newspapers or magazines are normally omitted from the reference list and can be cited in the following way in the text:

“As Sheryl Stolberg and Robert Pear mention in a New York Times article published on February 27, 2010…”

You can also choose to note the reference in a footnote. In that case, the reference information that is not written in the text will be completed in the footnote. It must be included: Name of the newspaper or magazine, name of author (if any), title of the article and date of publication.

If it is an online publication or a digital version, the access date and URL must be included.

In the footnote: Stolberg, Sheryl Gay and Robert Pear. February 27, 2010. “Warry Centrists Posing Challenge in Health Care Vote.” New York Times. Accessed February 28, 2010. Pelosi’s Challenge: Corraling Votes for a Health Bill - The New York Times (


4. Book Review

In the text: (Toledo Giménez 2023)

In the list of references: Toledo Giménez, Carlos. 2023. Review of Filosofía. Una introducción para juristas edited by Guillermo Lariguet and Daniel González Lagier. Cálamo Legal Studies Magazine, issue 18: 12-19. DOI:


5. Thesis or Dissertation

In the text: (Hernández Rubio 2010)

In the list of references: Hernández Rubio, Francisco José. 2010. “Los límites del eliminacionismo: Una solución epigenética al problema mente-cerebro”. Doctoral thesis presented to obtain the title of doctor in Neuropsychology. University of Murcia. Accessed April 12, 2020.


6. Document Presented at Conferences, Presentations, Congresses or Similar

In the text: (Rodríguez Vázquez 2012)

In the list of references: Rodríguez Vázquez, Silvia. 2012. “Flujos de traducción: Herramientas de ayuda a la gestión de proyectos en función de la situación de trabajo”. Conference given at the University of Salamanca, November 8, 2012.


7. Website

Citing the content of a website can often be limited to an in-text mention (“On July 19, 2008, McDonald's corporation mentioned on its website”). If you want a more formal quote, it can be like the example below. Because such content is subject to change, the date accessed or, if available, the date last modified, must be included.

In the text: (McDonald's 2008)

In the list of references: McDonald's Corporation. 2008. “McDonald’s Happy Meal Toy Safety Facts.” Accessed July 19. Website Maintenance: Be Back Soon | McDonald’s (


8. Blog Post or Comment

Blog entries or comments can be cited in the text (“In a comment published on the Spanish Language Blog on March 13, 2012”) and are generally omitted from the reference list. If an entry in the reference list is necessary, cite the blog entry, but mention comments only in the text. If an access date is required, add it before the URL.

In the text: (Ramírez 2012)

In the list of references: Ramírez, José Luis. 2012. “Hacer los deberes”. Blog de Lengua española. Accessed March 17.


9. Personal Communication or Interview

References to conversations, interviews, emails, text messages or similar are usually included in the text (“In a telephone conversation with the author on July 7, 2010, the union leader admitted that…”) and are rarely included in the reference list.

In the text: (Lourdes Díaz, email to the author, May 15, 2011)

Note that the citation of a personal communication or interview can also be complemented with a footnote or end of chapter note.

“As Benjamin Spock points out in an interview conducted by Milton J. E. Senn on November 20, 1974,8” (Spock, interview by Senn, November 20, 1974)².

² Benjamin Spock, interview by Milton J. E. Senn, November 20, 1974, interview 67A, transcript, Senn Oral History Collection, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD.


10. Work Registered in Databases

For documents located through databases or repositories, the name of said database is indicated and, in parentheses, the identification number recommended therein.

In the list of references: Choi, Mihwa. 2008. “Contesting Imaginaries in Death Rituals during the Northern Song Dynasty.” Doctoral thesis presented to obtain the title of doctor in Anthropology. University of Chicago. ProQuest (AAT 3300426).


11. Legal Document and Jurisprudence

Most legal and public writings cite documentation in the body itself, rather than in notes. Legislation and jurisprudence are usually cited in the body of the text using abbreviations, in which case it is recommended to include an Annex of abbreviations used at the beginning.

If the text contains a large number of regulations cited in its text, it is recommended to prepare an Annex of legislation/regulations and/or an Annex of jurisprudence, located after the Bibliography, and ordered chronologically in ascending order (norms/rulings oldest first). In this case, the legislation and jurisprudence cited in the body of the text do not appear in the Bibliography, but in the annexes.



In the text: (LOGJCC, article 41, section B, subsection c)

In the Annex:

If abbreviations are used: LOGJCC. See: Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control. Ecuador: Official Registry, Supplement 52, 22-X- 2009.

If abbreviations are not used: Organic Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control. Ecuador: Official Registry, Supplement 52, 22-X- 2009.


In the text: (Sentence No. 001-10-PJO, 5)

In the Annex: Constitutional Court of Ecuador. Sentence No. 001-10-PJO, December 22, 2010.

Jurisprudence and Relevant Theses

References to jurisprudence or relevant theses will be noted in footnotes, as in the following example:

Electoral process. Assuming that the principle of definitiveness of each of its stages promotes the irreparability of the alleged violations committed in a previous stage (Tamaulipas Legislation and similar). Mexico: TEPJF. Official Compilation of Jurisprudence and Relevant Theses 1997-2005: 808-809.